There is a setup fee to onboard your site. The fees are based on the number of hours required to implement the site. If you are already on WordPress the fees are lower because we can import your posts and pages. If not there will be a line item in our estimate to convert the content. The good news is that we have already converted many sites from GTxcel, Membergate, and ePublishing.

The process of estimating your setup fee will vary depending on:

Will there be a redesign? If so, we have a process of defining your needs, identifying the creative approach, and prototyping the site. We will also detail gating, subscription packages, and integrations. These will all become tasks in the conversion plan.

If there is no redesign we will use your existing site as a roadmap. We will replicate your existing design in the Newspaper theme. We will replicate your e-commerce, gating, advertising, and other functionality in our modules. We will identify all these tasks and estimate the conversion cost.

Go to the Contact Us page to let us know you want to estimate.